Thursday, March 23, 2006

March 22 and 23

Wednesday--My low back has been bothering me quite a bit. Not sure what is going on. Did not do any training today. Trying to listen to my back. Not sure if I should run in the morning or not. This pain in my low back seems familiar like sciatica. Usually some strecthing and an adjustment (by Dr Dave of course) will do the trick. I'll try and set something up with him tomorrow.

Thursday--Woke up early enough (4:30) that I decided not to run, but to go to a Bikram Yoga (or hot yoga) to try and stretch/re-align things. It seemed to work the last time my back was bothering me.............Yoga this morning was good. Seemed to help stretch the sore muscles out. I would also say it has helped the low back also. Although I think a visit with Dr Dave is still in order..........Was a mess today was at work. No time to call Dr Dave and schedule something. Tomorrow is Friday and I am seeing Pauline again for a massage. That should also help. Did I mention massage is a good thing ? Anyway.......Thank You Pauline for all you do.......

Remember to keep Kristin V and her family in you prayers......

More Later, Ken "you're doing what while undergoing chemo" Smith.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a told you lately that I love you? Because I certainly do! You are indeed my hero as I am very proud of all that you ARE doing while you are going through chemo.
Love always, Sharon

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

4:25 AM  

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